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The manuscript should be normally be of maximum 20 pages inclusive of all, typed in Times New Roman font of 12-point size on A-4 (8.5" X 11") papers with 1.0 inch margin on Top, Right and Bottom side and 1.5 inch margin on Left side. Soft copy of the Manuscript should be submitted initially. The cover page should contain title of the paper, author's name, designation and full contact details. Also submit a non-mathematical abstract of about 150 words along with manuscript. Authors are also requested to provide 3-5 key words defining essential content of the paper. References should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
Author(s) is requested to prepare their manuscript as per the attached paper format (paper template) of UJRCSA and submit to
Authors are requested to submit only original work. Authors are responsible for making sure that the article is not copied or duplicated or already published, accepted or submitted elsewhere. Author/s should certify on the cover page of the manuscript that the work is original and it is not copyrighted, published, accepted or submitted elsewhere for the publication. Authors are also requested to send the duly signed form of TRANSFER OF RIGHTS FOR PUBLICATION WITH UJRCSA, available on the journal website. The manuscript should be submitted to:
Editor in Chief
University Journal of Research: Computer Science and Applications (UJRCSA)
Faculty of Computer Application, Ganpat University, Mehsana, India.