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Whistleblower Policy
Ganpat University is dedicated to maintaining the highest standards of integrity, transparency, and ethical behavior in all its operations. This Whistleblower Policy is established to encourage and enable stakeholders to report unethical conduct, fraud, or violations of University policies while ensuring confidentiality and protection from retribution.
The policy provides a secure mechanism for reporting serious irregularities and unethical practices, fostering a culture of accountability and trust within the University.
A whistleblower may include employees, students, parents, vendors, sponsors, or any stakeholder associated with the University who makes a good-faith disclosure of unethical activities or potential misconduct.
Indications to raise an alarm:
A matter can be considered serious enough for an alarm to be raised if it satisfies any of the following conditions:
- Serious violation of any University level policy, indicating that certain internal points are weak.
- Matter is likely to receive media or public attention
- Exposes the University to a significant monetary or non-monetary liability
- Points towards any event which is the result of criminal action, e.g. disappearance of cash / funds
- Indicates any incident / possible incident of sexual harassment at the workplace
- Indicates a significant threat to the health / safety of employees / community
- Any other malpractices
- Any matter which is an individual employee grievance relating to the terms and conditions of employment are to be reported to the relevant HR personnel through proper channel only.
- An ethical violation where the impact is not at the University level.
The following instances would constitute a violation of the Whistle Blower Policy.
- Brining to light personal matters regarding another person, which are in no way connected to the University.
- Reporting information which, he/she does not have an authorization to access
- While it will be ensured that genuine whistle blower are accorded complete protection from any of unfair treatment as herein set out, any abuse of this protection will warrant disciplinary action and would be taken up with utmost sternness. The violations would be investigated and dealt with by the Chairperson of the Committee.
- Action against such violation could range in their severity, in necessary even extending up to termination of employment/ contract or association with the University.
- Matters that are personal grievances or not of ethical significance should be directed to the appropriate HR channel.
Process – How to raise issue:
- The designated person, who is responsible to operate ‘’ email id, can be approached for reporting / voicing any non-financial / accounting violations and malpractices.
- Submissions must be factual, detailed, and made in good faith.
- All disclosures will be reviewed and investigated thoroughly by a designated authority.
- The identity of the whistleblower and the subject will remain confidential throughout the investigation.
- Investigations will conclude within 60 days of receipt of the complaint.
- Recommendations from the investigation will be forwarded to the University’s management for appropriate action.
Protection for Whistleblowers:
- Whistleblowers are assured protection from retaliation, including unfair treatment, demotion, or discrimination.
- Any act of retribution against a whistleblower will result in strict disciplinary measures.
Details of Designated Person:
Name:- Dr. Satyen Parikh, Pro Vice Chancellor - Ganpat University
Email Id:
Mob. No.: 98251 06397