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The present International Conference provides a platform to the researchers, academicians, and institutions where they can present and discuss varied opinions and research works in the domain of Bhartiya (Indian) Knowledge Systems and their relevance in modern times. This International Conference is an attempt to identify and highlight Delphic Bhartiya knowledge practices lesser known at global level. Conference tries to refine the understanding of Bhartiya knowledge systems full of wisdom over superstition. This International Conference is an effort with a special focus towards today’s youth and makes them cognizant of the rich ancient Bhartiya knowledge, wisdom and culture. We are confident that, after the deliberations on related sub-themes, the participants and conference stakeholders will develop a holistic understanding and credence in our indigenous systems.
This International Conference will deliberate the linkages between the Bhartiya Knowledge systems and Literature; Human Lifestyle & Holistic Health; Modern Education System; Science, Engineering & Technology; Psychology & Philosophy; Management; Art & Music.
This International Conference “Revitalising and Rejuvenating Bhartiya Knowledge System for making Bharat Vishwa guru by 2047 ” aims to identify and prove importance of those Indian knowledge practices which are indispensable for the entire humanity and environment in modern times as well as provide a road map for future deliberations and research.
Ganpat University - Faculty of Engineering and Technology,
Mehsana-Gandhinagar Highway- P.O.-Kherva-384012
Mahesana-Gujarat India
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+91-8238059730, +91-8238059731, +91-9825799472, +91-9824368110
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